New Compile Of Firestorm

. In-story information Alter ego Ronald Roy 'Ronnie' Raymond, Martin Stein, Mikhail Arkadin, Jason Thomas Rusch, Jefferson 'Jax' Jackson Species Team affiliations Abilities. Superhuman strength, endurance, speed, durability, senses, and self-sustenance. Nucleokinesis. Nuclear pyrokinesis. Flight.

Transmutation/total conversion. Gestalt form.

Intangibility. Genius-level intellect.

Matter/energy manipulation. Ancestral memory. Clairvoyance Firestorm Cover of the first issue of Firestorm the Nuclear Man (March 1978). Series publication information Schedule Monthly Format Genre. (Firestorm the Nuclear Man) 5. (The Fury of Firestorm) 100.

(Firestorm) 35. The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Men 21 Firestorm is the name of several fictional appearing in published. Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein debuted as the first incarnation in Firestorm, the Nuclear Man No. 1 (March 1978) and was created. Jason Rusch debuted as a modern update of the character in Firestorm vol. 3 No. 1, (July 2004), and was created. Firestorm was featured in the 's, portrayed by,. Main article: Jason Rusch and Martin Stein meet, and are attacked in succession by members of the such as of, Granny Goodness's, and a greatly augmented of.

Shilo informs Stein and Rusch that one-quarter of the Life Equation is hidden within the Firestorm Matrix. The others are held by Earth's other three (possibly the, and the ). Fears that the Life Equation might challenge him and his Anti-Life Equation. Orion wished to keep Professor Stein safe, and Darksied's elite wished to secure the Matrix for Darkseid.

The Lord of Evil descended upon them, ripped the professor from Rusch within the Matrix, then vanished without a trace. Jason, with Gehenna as a 'hidden partner' in their fusion, began his search for the missing Dr.

Justice League While apprehending in the commission of a heist, Jason Rusch is severely wounded by, the, and the. While still recovering, he goes to aid the captive members of the Justice League.

Upon freeing the members of the League, he joins the battle against the. After this victory, Firestorm is drafted into the League.

During the team's encounter with the planet-destroying villain and the black-ops team the, Jason eventually faces Carl Sands ( a.k.a. Shadow Thief), the villain who killed Ronnie Raymond and inadvertently caused Jason's transformation into Firestorm. Sands mocks Jason for being an unworthy successor and nearly kills him like he did his predecessor, but Jason rejects the villain's insinuation that he is inferior, and emerges victorious. Jason instead uses his abilities to seal Sands' mouth shut with duct tape, preventing the utilization the shadows within his body, thus rendering the villain powerless.

He later assists and the rest of the Justice League in the final battle with Starbreaker. After this, Jason plays a minor role in the miniseries. A short time later, Firestorm is seen helping search for survivors alongside Animal Man and Starfire after is destroyed by Prometheus. Blackest Night In the 2009–2010 miniseries, Ronnie Raymond is called by a to join the. In the following issue, his reanimated corpse is shown confronting and alongside,. He then attacks Jason Rusch (the current Firestorm), and absorbs him into his own version of the Firestorm Matrix. Then, using Jason's unique abilities, he turns into table salt, simultaneously ripping her heart out with a smile.

He uses the Firestorm Matrix to absorb Jason's anger over Gehenna's death, providing the Black Lanterns with even more emotional energies. He goes on to attack Barry and co. At the Justice League satellite. Jason then briefly asserts himself, allowing the heroes to escape. Regaining control, Ronnie proceeds to absorb Jason's willpower.

Like other Black Lanterns, the undead Firestorm mimics the personality of Ronnie Raymond, often wisecracking and exhibiting other stereotypical teenage behavior. In the final battle against Nekron, Ronnie is restored to life alongside Jason, the two separating from Firestorm. Ronnie is confused, asking Atom where Professor Stein is while Jason is upset with Ronnie killing Gehenna. Ronnie, however, apparently has no memory of doing so. Brightest Day. Main article: In the 2010–2011 miniseries, Ronnie Raymond, still clad in casual clothing from a wild party the night before, arrives at Jason Rusch's apartment with Professor Stein and to attend Gehenna's funeral. Stein and Palmer discuss Ron's return and how he no longer remembers anything since his death at the hands of Shadow Thief.

While the two talk about the paperwork needed to have Ronnie's legal status as 'dead' reversed, Ron approaches Jason and offers an apology about Gehenna's murder. Jason refuses to accept it, telling Ronnie that he forced him into being an accomplice to his own girlfriend's death, and that he probably doesn't even remember her name. When Ronnie is actually unable to remember Gehenna's name, Jason angrily lashes out and punches him in the face. This causes the two young men to merge into Firestorm, and they begin arguing inside the Matrix while Palmer transforms into the in order to help them separate. Palmer manages to separate Jason and Ronnie, but not before the Firestorm matrix causes a huge explosion, trans-mutating everything in the Professor's laboratory into table salt.

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While recovering in the hospital, Stein explains to Ronnie that it seems to be very dangerous to fuse into Firestorm again. Also, it is revealed that Ronnie, after quickly leaving the hospital and being threatened by Jason's father to stay away from Jason, lied to everyone, as he seems to perfectly remember murdering Gehenna as a Black Lantern. Some time after the forceful separation, he lies sleeping in preparation of a party, when a previously heard voice prods him awake – a monstrous construct of Gehenna, made totally of salt, which proceeds to throttle and choke him, taunting him to remember her name; while she is interrupted before killing him, Ronnie is left covered in salt. Not too long after, he is lying, recovering from a massive binge, when Jason again forces the merge to help several construction workers endangered when the girders at the site are transmuted without warning to bubble gum. This time, they again hear the mysterious voice taunting them, and Ronnie accepts he remembers killing Gehenna, and they realize something else is lurking from within the Firestorm Matrix. As Firestorm, Ronnie and Jason visit Stein in an attempt to find out what is happening to them.

Stein reveals to them that the Black Lantern Firestorm still exists in the Firestorm Matrix. Firestorm is then told by the that they must learn from each other and defeat the Black Lantern Firestorm before he destroys the Entity. Somehow, Jason and Ronnie trade places. After running a test, Professor Stein reveals the origin of the Firestorm Matrix. Stein believes that during the initial experiment he was able to capture the spark that preceded the Big Bang that created our universe, thereby making the matrix a trigger for a new big bang. If the boys continue to experience emotional imbalance, they increase the likelihood of triggering a new big bang. After explaining this to the boys, the voice inside them speaks again.

New Compile Of Firestorm

Declaring that it is not the matrix, a pair of black hands reaches out from inside Firestorm. Forcibly separating Jason and Ronnie, Black Lantern Firestorm stands between them, separate from both Ronnie and Jason and apparently calling itself 'Deathstorm'.

Deathstorm reveals its plan to Stein, stating that it intends to create enough emotional instability between Ronnie and Jason that the Matrix will trigger another Big Bang thereby destroying of all life in the universe. In order to help accomplish this goal, Deathstorm absorbs Stein's mind in order to use his knowledge of Ronnie against him; then, to torture Jason, Deathstorm brings his father Alvin Rusch to the lab and absorbs him as well. Taking flight Deathstorm beckons Ronnie and Jason (now merged into Firestorm) to follow it. Deathstorm leads them to Silver City, New Mexico and the resting place of the Central Power White Lantern Battery. Deathstorm tries to lift the battery but is unable to until he infects it with black energy, after which he is able to lift it with ease.

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After he threatens to destroy the White Lantern Battery and therefore prevent Ronnie and Jason to truly live, a voice beckons him not to. The voice, commands him to bring the Central Power White Lantern Battery to the voice as well as an army, at which point Deathstorm brings back the Black Lantern versions of, Hawkman, Hawkgirl,. Deathstorm and the Black Lanterns teleport to an unknown location, Firestorm (Jason and Ronnie) ultimately seek the help from the Justice League.

Firestorm arrive at the Hall of Justice asking for help. Firestorm is placed in a containment chamber while the League search for a way to stabilize the energy. However, an internal argument between Ronnie and Jason ignites the spark, apparently resulting in the destruction of the universe. Ronnie and Jason quickly notice, after defeating a hive of Shadow Demons, that the universe was not destroyed as they thought but they were actually transported to the Anti-Matter Universe. There they are contacted by the Entity who reveals to them that since has not yet found the one who will take the Entity's place, it is Firestorm mission to protect the Entity.

Meanwhile, Deathstorm and the Black Lanterns are shown on delivering the White Battery to someone. That someone is revealed to be the seeking to harvest the life energy within the Lantern to grow stronger. Firestorm takes the White Lantern and attempts to fight the Anti-Monitor, but is defeated.

Deathstorm then brings Professor Stein out of his Matrix to taunt the two with. Deathstorm then attempts to turn Ronnie to salt, but the Professor takes the brunt of the attack. Angered, Ronnie decides to truly work together with Jason to avenge the Professor.

The Entity then declares that Ronnie has accomplished his mission, returning life to him in a burst of white energy that obliterates the Black Lanterns, returns Jason's father to his home, and deposits Firestorm in the forest. Ronnie angrily attempts to make the Entity resurrect the Professor, but is refused. Deadman then arrives, demanding that he be given the White Lantern. When the 'Dark Avatar', made his presence known, Firestorm is part of the Elementals. Ronnie was then transformed by the Entity to become the element of fire and protect the Star City Forest from the 'Dark Avatar' which appears to be the Black Lantern version of the. The Elementals are then fused with the body of Alec Holland in order for him to be transformed by the Entity into the new Swamp Thing and battle against the Dark Avatar. After the Dark Avatar is defeated, Swamp Thing brought Firestorm back to normal.

Afterward, Ronnie and Jason must find a way to contain their Firestorm matrix from the explosion in less than ninety days. The New 52 After the events of the 2011 storyline, reality altered Firestorm's personal history to be completely restarted.

Ronnie Raymond is now introduced as a high school senior and the captain of the football team. During a terrorist attack on their school, classmate Jason Rusch produces a vial given to him by Professor Stein, which contains the 'God Particle', one of Stein's creations. The God Particle transforms both Jason and Ronnie into Firestorm, and the two teens briefly battle each other before accidentally merging into a hulking creature known as the Fury. Sharing the identity of Firestorm, with Ronnie being the brawn and Jason being the brains, Firestorm is considered for recruitment into the Justice League along with several other heroes. They play a large part in the events leading up to the Trinity War, the three-way battle between the Justice League (the original headed by, and ), the Justice League of America (the A.R.G.U.S.-sponsored team led by, and ), and Justice League Dark (the paranormal team consisting of John Constantine, Zatana and the Phantom Stranger).

When Superman is framed for the death of Dr. Light and the League is taken into custody, Amanda Waller has Firestorm experiment on their ability to create certain elements: specifically, the mass production of Kryptonite. It turns out that the two are indeed capable of using their powers to create it, but with some difficulty. However, this ultimately becomes moot once the Trinity War leads to the invasion of the Crime Syndicate, who supposedly kill the Justice League.

In fact, the League is trapped inside Firestorm by his Earth-3 counterpart Deathstorm (a combination of Martin Stein and a corpse he experimented upon), with only Batman and Cat woman escaping the initial fracas. The Leagues are presumed dead for a time but are eventually freed from captivity after the Syndicate is defeated by Batman and Lex Luthor's Injustice League, Batman using Wonder Woman's to draw her and the others out of Firestorm. In the sequel ', Firestorm becomes a subject of controversy where there are claims that he was created by the government. Firestorm claims that he was created in an accident where he used a profanity to describe 'The Superman Theory' and another profanity to insult Pozhar much to the dismay of Martin Stein.

Powers and abilities Firestorm has the ability to rearrange molecular or particle structures of any substance into most anything else, creating different atomic structures of equal mass. He can transmute the basic composition of an object (e.g., transmuting lead into gold) and can also change its shape or form at will. Much like Green Lantern's limitations, Firestorm can only create items whose workings are understood by the 'driver' of the Firestorm Matrix, through he can make more-complex sentient constructs out of the Matrix's energies.

Unlike Green Lantern's creations, Firestorm's alterations are permanent unless he reverses them. Initially he could not affect organic matter without painful, even lethal, feedback (i.e., fatal biophysical disruption or even localized particle motion phenomena like extreme changes in the weather). It was later revealed that Firestorm could always change organic matter but opted not to. As Jason Rusch became Firestorm, however, this weakness appeared to have dissipated. With old and new variations the organic limitation does not extend to his own person, as its users can molecularly change their driver self at will, allowing them to regenerate lost or damaged bodily tissue, boost immune systems, shape-shift, increase physical capabilities and survive indefinitely without food, sleep, water or air. Capacities as such produce superhuman levels of strength, durability, stamina and resistance to injury great enough to challenge the New Gods – the likes of Orion, or an empowered Kalibak – or surviving the rigors of outer space and sitting near the inner corona above the sun's photosphere without discomfort. Firestorm's power has been stated by Prof.

Stein to be theoretically infinite, harnessing the spark of creation, the itself. However, infinite power runs the risk of burning out its host. While the Firestorm Matrix can be utilized by a singular host driver – as was the case with Ronnie, Stein and Rusch – it is not recommended. The Matrix functions best with two people, a pilot and secondary, to comprehend and master it.

Martin instructed Rusch on how to study current and potential powers available to them within the Matrix and to manually adjust them on the fly at a later date. Its main source of energy stemmed from the ambient stellar energies of native stars and suns but could also use its co-pilot as a power source, though they will burn out over time and genetically disintegrate if not properly adjusted to its power.

The merging aspect of the Matrix can enable outside fusions which assimilate any inherent abilities these others might possess. However, this can diminish its effectiveness and stability. Rusch has shown he can spontaneously warp himself and others he had previously merged with to his specific location, triggering the neural pathway connection and allowing the gestalt to access each other's knowledge and memories to better utilize Firestorm's capabilities. Users of the Firestorm Matrix can access a type of ancestral memory from the continuum of past Matrix users, allowing them to access the latent knowledge of the atoms comprising it. This also translates into a form of time-space sight in which the Matrix user can glimpse the past, present, future and alternate lives of every other Firestorm throughout reality using a collective of subatomic wormholes which exist as a part of the Matrix. This power is too complex to properly control, thus it has been highly unreliable as an ability.

The driver can fly at supersonic speeds in an atmosphere and reach escape velocities. The driver can also adjust the driver body's size or pull and enlarge others from the subatomic universe at will, Rusch having once dragged from his microscopic size to the natural world while on Apokolips. Manipulation of the self at the subatomic level allows the driver to become intangible and pass through solid objects. This allowed Rusch to communicate with John Stewart and sift through his mind telepathically after he'd been taken over by the void beast. Firestorm is also adept at absorbing and redistributing radiation or energy both harmlessly and productively (such as in Green Lantern: Circle of Fire issue #7 having both absorbed Zeta Radiation from 's body and repurposed it to turn a universe-destroying quasar back onto itself and absorb fallout from a massive nuclear detonation). He can generate destructive or concussive blasts of nuclear energy, through which he can also channel his transmogrification powers.

While the Matrix grants the fusers unique powers, it can also accidentally bestow them on individuals caught in the Matrix by mistake. One example is Nanette Phaedon, wife of the late Allen Phaedon, who gained the ability to change her quantum state for size shifting and flight by her own will. Following Raymond's resurrection during Brightest Day, Firestorm gained the ability to switch 'drivers' between Ronnie and Jason at will; before that only the active driver was in control, with the dormant consciousness only able to advise the other on what action to take. One of the faults of a Firestorm fusion is that the stronger psyche will have dominance of the Matrix's power, such as when Jason fused with Luis Salvador who overpowered him from the passenger seat of the Matrix. During the New 52, the Firestorm Matrix could be shared through multiple users at a time. Users could fuse and become stronger but more unstable. The entity formed between Ronnie and Jason when using the Matrix in tandem created a nuclear being called 'The Fury'.

It was also shown that The Matrix shares kinship to the Quantum Field in some way, enabling Firestorm users to derive its power for subatomic transmutation and manipulation. Some believe it is key to the fabled theory. Its merging properties can place a large burden on the user; Firestorm runs the risk of reaching critical mass and detonating. At worst, the fusion of too many users in the Matrix could trigger a second Big Bang. Other versions Firestorm has appeared in various alternate realities within the: a gender-reversed version appears in as an inhabitant of; a version of the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm appeared in, as a captive of; a Firestork of the; a Firestorm of a Justice League 100 years in the future, where has plunged humanity into a massive war appeared in, and a merger of Ronnie Raymond and of called Quantum-Storm who was summoned by in the miniseries.

Earth-3 Firestorm's counterpart during the ' event is introduced as Deathstorm from. It is revealed that, on Earth-3, Professor Martin Stein would experiment on humans to unlock the secret of life through death. He was recruited by one of the Crime Syndicate's enemies to determine what the Syndicate's individual weaknesses were. However, he used the new lab he supplied to continue his human experimentation, eventually experimenting on himself, fusing with a corpse, becoming Deathstorm.

He is killed by Mazahs, stealing his powers. Flashpoint In the alternative timeline of, Jason Rusch is killed by in an attempt to take his place in the Firestorm Matrix, alongside Ronnie Raymond, but is defeated.

We-Are-Firestorm A version of Firestorm crafted by Anansi in Volume Two of Justice League of America, he appears to be a form of sentient red energy and is a member of that reality's Justice League. In other media Television Animation.

The original incarnation of Firestorm appeared in 's and (the last two Super Friends series), voiced by Mark L. Taylor (Ronnie Raymond) as well as by (Martin Stein; first series) and by (Martin Stein; second series). Firestorm was among the myriad planned guest stars in 's. Writer/producer said the producers had permission from DC Comics to use the character but the show's creators could not come up with a story that they likedand revealed in magazine #197 that the producers intended to use the Ronnie Raymond / Martin Stein version as the focus character for the episode 'The Greatest Story Never Told' but was replaced. The Jason Rusch / Ronnie Raymond incarnation of Firestorm appears on the TV series, voiced by (Jason Rusch) and by (Ronnie Raymond). This version consisted of intelligent youngster Jason Rusch's body and mind fused with science teacher/ex-jock Ronnie Raymond's muscle. Producer James Tucker said 'the smart kid has the body and he's got this dumb guy in his head telling him stuff.

It's kind of a total flip of the original Firestorm'. Introduced in 'A Bat Divided!' , the youth Jason and his coach Ronnie attend a class trip at a nuclear plant. The two are caught in the middle of 's supercharged nuclear energy and are fused together by accident.

After being given a containment suit by, Jason and Ronnie use their abilities to stop Doctor Double X. Jason decides on the name 'Firestorm' in the episode's final scene despite Ronnie liking the name 'Flame Dude'. Firestorm appears in 'The Siege of Starro!' Two-parter among Batman's rag-tag group of heroes with Booster Gold, and to fight. Firestorm realizes that a host can be freed by overloading the Starro clone with energy. When Billy Batson yells 'Shazam!' And the lightning hits Starro, Firestorm hits upon the idea to use the lightning for Starro's initial defeat.

Firestorm later fights alongside many other superheroes to defeat Starro's titan form. Firestorm returns in the teaser for 'Darkseid Descending!' , assisting Batman in stopping (Louise Lincoln), Ronnie's ex-girlfriend.

and reprise their roles as Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein in the web series. The Ronnie Raymond / Martin Stein version of Firestorm appears in, voiced by (Ronnie Raymond) and by (Martin Stein). The origin story is very similar to the classic origin. When Stein had just turned on a nuclear reactor, some criminals went in to steal plutonium. The criminals had kidnapped Ronnie from a field trip as a hostage. The criminals decided to throw some grenades to blow the reactor up. In the blast, Ronnie and Stein were fused together, creating Firestorm.

Firestorm first appears in 'Nuclear Family Values' where Firestorm had to prevent the from blowing up a nuclear plant. With Martin's guidance, Firestorm was able to shrink them down.

Afterwards, Firestorm is recruited into the. In the episode 'Freezer Burn', Firestorm works with Batman where they fight who is freezing Gotham City with a special freeze gun on an airship that is powered by (Caitlin Snow). In the episode 'Field Trip', Firestorm, and are given a tour of the Fortress of Solitude by when, and are accidentally freed. With Superman incapacitated, Firestorm with guidance from Martin works at making Kryptonite while Blue Beetle and Stargirl fight Zod's group.

Firestorm transmutes some of the ice into which weakens the Kryptonian villains. In the episode 'Double Cross', Firestorm assists Batman and in their plot to apprehend. The episode 'The Cube Root' revealed that Martin was a former college roommate of former child prodigy. Live-action. ^ Wallace, Dan (2008), 'Firestorm', in Dougall, Alastair, The DC Comics Encyclopedia, New York:, p. 123,.


McAvennie, Michael; Dolan, Hannah, ed. DC Comics Year By Year A Visual Chronicle. If inventiveness is the fusion of ideas, then Firestorm was one of the most original characters to emerge from a comic book in years.

Penned by Gerry Conway and drawn by Al Milgrom, the Nuclear Man was a genuine sign of the times—the explosive embodiment of a nuclear world. CS1 maint: Extra text: authors list.

^. Retrieved July 9, 2014. October 9, 2014. Retrieved October 11, 2014. ^ Damore, Meagan (July 20, 2016). Comic Book Resources. Retrieved July 20, 2016.

^ Conway, Gerry. 'Nuclear Reactions: Just Your Average Hot-Headed Hero,' The Fury of Firestorm #1 #1 (June 1982).

Thu, – 10:00am (2011-05-31). Retrieved 2013-11-25.

6 December 2011. Retrieved 19 January 2012. (2008), 'Extreme Justice', in Dougall, Alastair, The DC Comics Encyclopedia,:, p. 117,. Infinite Crisis #5 (April 2006). As seen in Firestorm the Nuclear Man #33.

New Compile Of Firestorm 2017

Justice League of America Wedding Special (vol. 1) #2. Justice League of America (vol. 2) #15. Justice League of America (vol. 2) #32 (April 2009).

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Justice League of America (vol. 2) #33 (May 2009). Justice League of America (vol.

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