Radio Scanner Software For Mac

  1. Free Radio Scanner Software For Mac
  2. Radio Scanner Software For Mac
  3. Radio Scanner Software For Mac

The Android App “Scanner Radio” is my pick for streaming scanner feeds from across the globe. Advances in technology have always gone hand-in-hand with our radio hobby-–indeed, in many cases, those advances originated with our hobby. Because of this, it should comes as no surprise that in a world where we are rapidly replacing home computing with mobile computing, radio hobbies are “app-ly” supported in the the mobile realm. Although it’s beyond the scope of this article to include a comprehensive list of all radio-hobbyist-themed apps for the iOS, Android and Windows, nor will it include proprietary apps (those which compliment a particular radio or accessory), I offer here an overview of select apps that I myself have used and reviewed for iOS and Android––with, of course, a focus on those I’ve found especially useful as a radio hobbyist. I’ve recently added a number of Windows phone apps that readers have recommended. Since I don’t currently own a Windows phone device, I appreciate reader recommendations (simply comment or ).

In the list below I have linked to both the iTunes, Google Play and Windows Phone stores, when applicable. I’ve also noted pricing for each app, but please understand that application developers can change pricing without notice. Ham Radio Apps If you’re an amateur radio operator, you’re in luck when it comes to apps. There are a multitude out there, and most are either free or very inexpensive. Below, I’ve categorized these by major function, beginning with those apps that help you get your ham radio license in the first place. Exam preparation.’s new app has a fluid, responsive interface. (; $3.99,; $3.99), a online test preparation site, released apps for Android and iOS devices in the spring of 2018. While their online system is free, the app costs a one time $3.99 fee, but allows users to practice and study offline and includes all ham exams, including Canadian exams and other FCC exams. I believe this is quite a good deal and the best of the ham radio study apps. Amateur Radio Exam Prep (; $4.99) This app is simple, adaptive, and keeps track of the elements and questions you incorrectly answer. While it costs $4.99 per exam (Tech, General and Extra), you can try the free version first, which allows you to explore and learn two of the exam elements before buying.

Still, a much better deal and far more portable than an exam book. HamExam (; Free) HamExam is for anyone who would like to pass the FCC Amateur Radio exams. The app covers the Technician, General and Extra question pool.

HamExam will randomize the questions for the practice portions of the app and for the exams. The app keeps counts on how many questions you have answered correctly, incorrectly, your scores and then graphs your performance. Ham Basic (; Free) Are you practicing to take the Canadian Basic ham radio exam? This simple app works well on both iPhones and iPads.

It contains the full 1,000 question pool and is adaptive, challenging you in your weakest subjects. Very simple and free.

Ham Exam Canada Amateur Radio Test Prep (; $19.99) Designed for both iPads and iPhones, this app promises to walk you through the steps to take both your basic and advanced Canadian amateur radio exams. This app seems to be updated by the publisher regularly (important when question pools change!). PalmVE (; Free) PalmVE allows you to take sample amateur radio written examinations, track your test history, search question pools, and will display question figure images where appropriate. PalmVE can also use your GPS info to find a Volunteer Examiner session nearby.

Ham Radio Exam (; Free) A very simple exam study tool, Ham Radio Exam allows you to cruise exam question pools and note the correct answer. You can also take sample tests and focused quizzes. While not quite as versatile as paid apps (like Amateur Radio Exam Prep, above), it may be all you need to get your ticket!. Amateur Radio Exams 1.0 Pro (; $2.99) Out of all of the Android offerings, Amateur Radio Exams 1.0 Pro is my favorite exam practice app. It is free to try, and only costs a modest $2.99 to buy. No more fumbling through a thick repeater atlas when you’re traveling!

Repeater Book uses your phone’s built-in GPS and a large database of repeater frequencies to discover local repeaters. EchoLink (/; Free) Why not turn your smartphone into an HT?

After all (as I often say), phones are actually radiosright? I only recently discovered the EchoLink app, but it has quickly become the most useful ham radio app I use. From this app you can talk to any repeater connected to the EchoLink network; all you need is a WiFi connection or cellular data service. I recently traveled to Belize City and used EchoLink to connect with hams in the US and Canada and even check in on a net. It worked flawlessly.

I couldn’t recommend it more. Did I mention it’s absolutely free, with no ads?. Ham Square (; Free) A very simple app to track and display your Maidenhead designation in a matter of seconds. For the Android OS check out HamGPS (; Free).

All three of these apps use your smartphone’s GPS to quickly resolve your Maidenhead location. Repeater Book (/; Free) An absolutely revolutionary app, in my opinion. Using your phone’s GPS, you can quickly reference local repeaters––any band, any mode––with full details, as you travel. This free app has replaced my need for the annual repeater atlas (which I’ve always found to be a little unhandy to use). Live in, or traveling to, the UK, Australia, Europe, and/or New Zealand?. QRZ Callsign Search (/; Free) The companion app to the popular callsign database site, Their app is very basic, but makes it easy and convenient to do callsign lookupsalthough I do wish you could log contacts to via the app (hint, hint, developers!).

Also check out HamRadio Call (iOS/Android; Free) as it even shows a map pinpoint for the QTH address on record. PSK31 (; $2.99) Launch this app, place it in front of your radio which you’ve tuned to a PSK31 signal, and it decodes on the fly. Very simple to use, and quite effective as long as your microphone is near the radio speaker. Meanwhile, Droid PSK (; $5.49) will decode and even encode PSK31, if you want that feature. Tivar ( free) Tivar is an Android app that provides read-only access to nearly all of the digital signals associated with. The main objective of this development is to provide a low power highly-portable, as in mobile or backpack, fldigi read-only solution. There is no facility to transmit any signal.

Hellschreiber (; $2.99) Decode and send Hellschreiber text without a PC: place your mobile device near the speaker of your transceiver and this app will decode Hellschreiber on the fly. Connect the audio output from the headphone jack of your mobile device to your transceiver and you can even send Hellschreiber. ISS Detector (; Free) Chis Cooper comments: “this is one of my most often used Amateur Radio apps on my Android.

It not only tracks and alerts on ISS passes with specified criteria, but with the pro upgrade, it will also track amateur radio satellites.”. PocketSat3 (; $24.99/iOS) PocketSat software allows you to predict when satellites will be visible in your location and where to look in the sky in order to see them. The price for this app is steep and the developers ask that you download and evaluate the free (PocketSat3 LE /) version before committing to purchase. WSPR Watch (; Free) According to SWLing Post reader, Peter Marks, who developed WSPR Watch, “the app shows reported WSPR beacon spots as a list, on a map, and draws some graphs.”. APRSdroid (; $4.95) APRSdroid is an APRS application that allows you to report your position as well as sending and receiving messages. It also conveniently displays nearby stations as a list or on a map. Pocket HAM bands Transceiver (; Free) This application remotely control several ham radio sources via an Android smart phone or tablet.

It can link to Ham Radio Deluxe, control any Yaesu FT8x7 transceiver via Bluetooth or USB cable (bi-directional CAT only, no sound) and multiple WebSDR servers around the globe. Not exactly plug-and-play as some connection methods require configuration and audio via an IP source. Read their notes and watch videos of Pocket HAM Bands Transceiver. QRSS Beacon (; $3.99) QRSS Beacon is a full-featured slow CW beacon application for Android. QRSS will allow you to select a DIT duration from 1 to 60 seconds and choose one of the 3 supported modes: QRSS, FSK/CW and DFCW. Simply connect the audio out of your Android device to the audio in of your radio and an enable VOX. MacLogger DX HD (; $39.99) MacLoggerDX HD is an application that monitors the spots from your favorite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. It Alerts you to rare Ham Radio contacts or band openings by looking up and displaying real time propagation paths on a zoomable map.

HF-Propagation (; free) HF Propagation is a free ad-supported windows phone 7 application to inform hams and SWLs about the current band conditions. It displays current status of the HF and VHF bands, and additional solar and terrestrial propagation related data. Morse Pad (; $2.99) Morse Pad lets you decode morse code (CW) on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch.

Just set your device near a radio, tune in a morse code transmission, and watch the decoded text. Recent updates increases Morse Pad’s accuracy when decoding a sender with a sloppy fist. Reference. Ham Radio Reference (; Free) This is a simple app that puts a few vital pieces of information in front of you.

I wish I had this in my early days on the air, as it has a simple list with all of the Q codes, US & Canadian Amateur Band Limits, Country Codes, Band Plans, Radiogram Numbered Messages, Grid Square and Location, Q Codes, Local and UTC Time, RST, The Phonetic Alphabet, Unit Abbreviations, Metric Prefixes and more. Also check out HamIAm (; Free). Ham Radio Tools (; Free) A very simple reference guide that includes logging (even the ability to export and import logs).

It also has short Q code reference sheet, common formulas, and an antenna calculator. It has a very intuitive interface and no ads.

Ham Reference (; Free) Ham Reference is a collection of tools and reference materials for the amateur radio enthusiast. This free app includes: location with map – line A, C, and NRQZ, RF evaluation per FCC OET65 Supplement B, dual channel audio generator, space weather, resistor color codes, dipole antenna configuration with tuning, MUF and MUA, band plans, calling frequencies, a UTC clock and station ID timer, and more. HamLog Mobile Logging (; $0.99) An all-in-one app for the mobile operator.

This app will export your logs to most any logging program, including Logbook of the World. The newest version even includes a rig control interface. This app also includes many ham reference guides.

HamAntCal (; Free) Need to calculate the length of a resonant dipole for the field? HamAntCal is a very simple application to help you do just that. Simply choose a configuration (Half Wavelength, Quarter Wavelength or Inverted Vee) and it will do the math for you. Battery guru for mac. Morse It for iOS is a great tool for learning CW. In this case, I placed it in front of my receiver and decoded a CW exchange between two hams at 19 WPM. Morse It (; $0.99) This app not only reads but teaches CW.

This is a 99¢ app, which, like many, offers several premium add-ons at additional cost. I like the interface and simplicity of this morse trainer. It also serves as a morse code reader. Simply place your iOS device in front of your radio’s speaker and watch it decode Morse code in real time.

I’ve noticed that it decodes CW fairly well around 13-20 WPM; any slower or faster sometimes leads to more error. Still, it’s a great app for those who want to learn code, or who want to translate what they hear on the radio. Morse Code Training apps from KG9E (; $1.49) Amateur radio operator KG9E has developed a number of apps for Android including several focused on improving Morse Code speed. His collection includes apps to bring speed up to, and words per minute. All apps are $1.49 each.

Morse Code Trainer (; Free) This is another excellent CW trainer, and will work on even the oldest Android OS versions. MUF Predictor (; Free) Enter your transmitter and receiver location, and this simple calculator will help you determine maximum usable frequency.

DXing Spots/Databases. iCluster DX DB (; Free) This app allows you to create alarms for needed DX countries, call signs, modes and more with a nice, simple layout.

You can also filter spot results with the same criteria. Use multiple cluster servers, including your own, via telnet or the web. The app is free, but if you pay a $1.99 sponsorship fee, it enables a map mode which shows DX on a map. DX Hunter (; $9.99) is more advanced and even sends push notifications from spot servers. DXFunCluster (; $1.13) Though reviews are mediocre on, SWLing Post reader, John, recommends this app as a DX cluster interface.

SOTA Goat (; $4.99) If you like to activate summits (via Summits On The Air) or log them, this is a fantastic app. It’s one of the best designed apps for this purpose I’ve seen. SOTA Goat has a clear, intuitive interface, and is true to the iOS look and feel. Hands down, it has the best user interface of any ham radio application. With SOTA Goat in hand, you can plot and activate a summit while notifying the SOTA community automatically. Best yet, most of the app’s functions (including their summit database and map) are available offline! Yes, it’s $4.99, but if you’re into SOTA, it’s worth every penny.

CommCat Mobile (; Free) With CommCat, you can watch DX spots, control your radio, and log contacts from anywhere an Internet connection is available. SWLing Post reader, Michael, comments: “With CommCat Mobile you can not only control your rig remotely, but you can log contacts and even sync that log with your home log! Not many programs allow that. Also, there’s a complete DX spotting list available, so with a single finger click, you can tune your remote rig right to the DX and then key the mic and talk into the iPhone / iPad to work the DX! With another single click the entire thing has been logged and sent to your home station!”. QRZ Now (; Free) QRZ Now is a simple app with links to amateur radio news sources and a DX cluster display. Rig-specific Apps.

The Elecraft KX3 KX3 Companion (Android; and ) The KX3 Companion in an app that will allow unleash the power of your Elecraft KX3 without the need for a PC. KX3 Companion will let you send and receive CW, PSK31 and RTTY by using your mobile phone or tablet keyboard. Optionally you can use an external Bluetooth keyboard connected to your Android device. It has a long list of features, and is regularly updated. The free version is limited to 5 minutes of use and will not allow you to save settings and macros. KX3 KeyApp (; $3.99) The KX3 KeyApp turns your tablet PC into a virtual keypad for your Elecraft KX3. With 54 buttons and 5 switches completely customizable, you’ll be able to create the perfect keypad for you ham radio operations with the Elecraft KX3.

Skywave Schedules App will allow you to search a comprehensive, regularly updated, database of shortwave radio broadcasts. Skywave Radio Schedules (; Free) If you have an Android device, you’re in luck. Skywave Radio Schedules is the newest schedules app and is my favorite.

The app developer is a shortwave radio enthusiast and has incorporated numerous feature requests from others in the community. This app will even allow one to easily view upcoming broadcasts and dynamically search the entire database including international broadcasters, utility stations and other signals of interest. It’s free and has no ads. Shortwave Broadcast Schedules (; $1.99/; $0.99) I used this app on my iPhone while traveling in Central America this summer, and could immediately pull up shortwave schedules even without an Internet connection.

It has a very easy function for updating schedules, and can even be set to check for updates each time you open the app. Best yet, you can sort listings by what’s on the air now, by station, by time, by frequency, and more. Also, you can quickly pull up frequencies for a particular meter band at the touch of a button. Shortwave Radio Schedules (; Free) This app provides schedules and frequencies for shortwave radio broadcasts throughout the world.

Information is also included on some utility stations, Firedrake, jammers etc. Broadcast frequencies and schedules are pulled from the Eibi schedule and AOKI Schedules. This app also features a unique map representation of broadcast footprints. SSTV makes easy work of decoding SSTV messages. You can change modes, Phase and Skew on the fly.

In this example, I decoded the eQSL of pirate radio station, Wolverine Radio. Global Tuners (/Free) This is a unique app that allows you to actively control remotely-linked receivers scattered across the globe. Whether you want to tune a receiver in France during your morning commute on the train, or if you’re a ham and want to check if your signal can be heard in Asia, Global Tuners can help. glSDR (; Free) SWLing Post reader, Paul N6EV writes: “glSDR is an excellent Android app which allows you to connect to a handful of SDR receiver servers around the world. For each server, the first connection becomes the “master”, able to control the frequency, mode, filter, AGC, dsp, etc. Subsequent connections are “slave” and have no control but get to listen. When the master drops off, the next slave in line (oldest connection) becomes the new master.”.

HF Weather Fax (/; $9.99) A super-simple app for decoding HF weather fax transmissions on the fly. Simply start the app and place your device in front of the radio speaker. SSTV (; $2.99) As with HF Weather Fax, simply launch the app, and place it in front of your radio. You can even leave it unattended and it will decode and save the images automatically. Supports all major SSTV protocols. This is also the best app I’ve seen for decoding pirate radio eQSLs on the go!

Though I have not personally tested it, Android users might wish to consider DroidSSTV (/$6.99) which allows you to receive and send SSTV images. Interval Signal Ringtones (; $1.99) A simple app that will let you set your ringtone to one of 40+ shortwave interval signals.

Virtual Transceivers. HamSphere (/; Free) HamSphere is a virtual Ham Radio Transceiver. Once installed, you will be able to communicate with thousands of Amateur Radio operators and Radio Enthusiasts in over 200 countries around the world. You can even use HamSphere without a Ham Radio license by using a special HamSphere call sign. HamSphere is a highly realistic shortwave simulation based on SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology. Scanning Apps.

Scanner Radio (; Free) A brilliant free scanner application which streams scanner feeds from across the planet—intuitive and easy to use. Scanner Radio Pro (/$2.99) eliminates ads. Action Scanner Lite (; Free) Easy to use, and loaded with scanner feeds.

Although I prefer the search functionality in Scanner Radio (above), Action Scanner is a great app for iOS with many accolades. The developer has also published Action Scanner (/$2.59) which has more Police, Fire, EMS and Amateur Radio feeds and Action Scanner Pro (/$2.99-$4.19) which has the most comprehensive list of feeds and features. Police Scanner 5-0 Radio (; Free) Police Scanner 5-0 includes scanner feeds from across the globe: United States, Canada, Australia, Chile, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Venezuela, Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Argentina, Sweden, New Zealand, Antigua and Barbuda and Austria. Police Scanner 5-0 Radio Pro is available for. Marine Apps. DroidNavtex (; $9.99) DroidNavtex decodes NAVTEX messages from your receiver through your phone/tablet’s microphone or through a connected interface. Special audio filters decode very weak signals through your Android device’s microphone. W4ASZ comments, “Droid Navtex has worked well for me using a Grundig YB400 PE operating off the internal ferrite antenna.” Aviation Apps.

LiveATC (; $3.99/; $3.99) If you like listening to aviation frequencies, LiveATC is an excellent app to keep handy on your mobile device. Sure, there is no free version, but you’ll also never be bothered by distracting adds. The app is simple and fluid and can play in the background while you’re using other apps. Radio-Related Apps and Tools Following are a couple of handy apps that, while not necessarily intended for ham radio, SWLing, or scanning, are nonetheless indispensable to me as a radio hobbyist; you may find them just as useful as I do:. TuneIn (/; Free) This remarkable app turns your Android or iOS device into a web radio—it makes your local station a global one.

I use TuneIn to listen to AM stations in Australia, music from Paris, The International Radio Report on CKUT, and even some international broadcasters that are no longer on shortwave radio. Indeed, only recently,. I now have TuneIn on all of my mobile devices. TuneIn Radio Pro (/; $0.99) gives you the ability to record streaming live radio directly on your phone.

Note that (sadly) the Pro version does not eliminate ads. 1 Radio News (; Free) 1 Radio News is an Android-only app that focuses on news radio with both headlines on-demand and live streams from multiple sources all in an easy to use package.

What I like about 1 Radio News is that it is a curated list of international broadcasters–many of whom are on shortwave. Is a version which sports 3 times more streams than the free version and is ad-free. TeamViewer (/; Free) TeamViewer is a remote access program that allows you to login to and use your home computer. I routinely use it to control my while traveling. As I mentioned before, this list is, by no means, comprehensive–these are simply some of the apps I feel are well supported and have had enough time on the market to shake out some of the bugs.

Do I really need a smartphone to experiment with apps? I know many people who do not care for a smartphone and prefer the standard-featured flip phone. I, too, would be in this camp if I didn’t travel so often.

The good thing is, there’s no need to buy a smartphone and then pay for 3G or 4G services to use the apps listed above. There are many devices that run iOS and Android that are not phones at all, and simply use WiFi connections for Internet access. If you like Apple’s iOS platform, then you will want to consider an iPod touch, iPad or iPad Mini. If you prefer the Android operating system, then look at a no-contract Android phone or one of the many tablets on the market, like the Nexus 7. While the Kindle Fire is also based on the Android operating system, I’ve noticed that many of these apps are simply not available through Amazon. You’ll note that I did not cover the Windows mobile operating system; this is because there simply aren’t a lot of apps out there to choose from for this system.

Free Radio Scanner Software For Mac

In short, if you wish to use mobile apps for your radio activities, I would encourage you to consider only iOS or Android-based devices. A smartphone? That’s entirely optional. What’s on my app wish list?

I would love to see a comprehensive app come along that has the functionality and utility of PC programs like FLdigi. This would make a mobile device perfect for decoding digital text programs like VOA Radiograms; it would also make them available to people who can’t afford or don’t have the infrastructure for a standard computer (as in many developing countries or even DXing locales). This may take more innovation on the processing front and more global adoption, but it is happening at a very rapid pace. I would also like to see the ARRL develop an app for the popular Logbook of the World; for the serious DXer who needs mobile verification, this would be quite handy.

Going forward Ironically, mobile technologies have drawn many who might otherwise have become ham radio or shortwave radio enthusiasts––after all, these technologies make global communications seem effortless. Still, I find that nearly any technology ultimately compliments these hobbies: I turn to my smartphone for shortwave schedules, to conveniently decode Pirate Radio SSTV QSL cards, to listen to scanner feeds, and even connect to local repeaters and check in on nets.

Radio scanner software for mac

Indeed, the rapid pace of innovation on the app front is both encouraging and energizing, but also makes it challenging to keep up! If you like, ckeep checking back here on and my ham radio blog, where I plan to post updates and reviews of new apps as they become available. ↓. Randy the hick Security concerns?

My dear fella, cognitive dissonance asidethere is absolutely Zero security on the internet. To think otherwise, or hope there is, or believe that security updates arewellfor security.they very well might be, but not for your securitythats a forsure. I will repeat myself, there is NO security on the internet. Everything either has a mandated backdoor, or is easily decrypted by massive computer installations with unimaginable computing power. But the latest and greatest browser is touted as more secure than the one being replacedwell, thats what they tell you. Infact, if you look at whats been addedits just more ways to watch what you are up to.telemetery, location becons, ect So, it always makes me have a dark laugh, when folks who do not know.speak of security on the internet, as if it is an actual thing.

Its notand Never was. ↓. Sir, Is it not possible for big companies to develop an free to air Short Wave and Madium Wave radio App for Android phones. Which should work without using Internet sourse.Itshould work with support of external device such as earphone, tuner etc. Is it is not possible to develop any hardware within a mobile phone set which will support these type of radio stations. The need of such an option is greatly being felt because Radio transistors are so huge that they are difficult to carry during long travel and also they consume large amont of power and some time fail to work efficiently. ↓.

SamJS Has anyone ran across an Android App for VLF Radio Reception? I would like to see if a program for Android to use a USB sound card, simply to provide a jacked input for antenna input, to receive VLF signals similar to the Windows programs such as the SM6LKM SAQrx VLF Receiver Software. This would give you the capability to receive “Natural” Earth Radio Signals from 0-22 Khz, where you hear things like Whistlers, Sferics, and a few special communication radio stations around the world. I can do it now using my Netbook, but with the Tablet a much smaller/compact/easily transportable package makes more sense. ↓.

Pingback:. Pingback:. 13dka Kind of belongs here too: SDR Touch – Android SDR software for RTL-chip-based DVB-T Dongles and their beefed up siblings (DX-Patrol etc.). Works only on phones with Android 3.1 and higher (since the USB needs OTG functionality) and only on certain devices though. If your phone/tablet/toaster meets the requirements, you can turn it into a very cheap and very portable SDR rig with that. Now if someone would just invent a battery that caters the masses of interesting smartphone applications that need the display to stay on most of the time 🙂. ↓.

tyler I’ve searched everywhere and I’m very surprised there isn’t any mobile (android,ios,Windows) or Desktop apps That were designed for disabled persons primarily persons with hearing disabilities? I was expecting to see a developer write an app that displayed real time or even briefly delayed text content that was transcribed from real time ham radio stations for train, airplane, medical, police, car racing, etc. Does anybody know of any software that is already developed? If there isn’t and there would be significant demand as I would think would be, I would possibly interested in developing something like this? ↓.

Hi, I’m the developer of the KX3 Companion, KX3 KeyApp and QRSS Beacon apps. Lately I released a new app: the WSPR Beacon App. It is made to send WSPR signals using your Android smartphone/tablet as a signal source. All you have to do is use the audio out of it and pair it with the audio in of your rig (and set it to VOX). All you have to do is: 1) Set your CALLSIGN 2) Set your LOCATOR or press the GPS button and have the app automatically calculate it based on your position. Please allow a few seconds for the GPS to get exact coordinates. 3) Set the POWER LEVEL so that it matches your rig output power 4) Select the BAND (optional).

This is only to have handy the frequency value to set on the rig. 5) Set the TX FRAMING. This allows you to set how ofter the WSPR will be sent. By default the WSPR is sent only once.

6) Select the BASE FREQUENCY. It can go from 1400Hz to 1600Hz and by default it is 1500Hz 7) Press START The app will wait for the next frame start before sending. So you only have to make sure that the clock of your smartphone/tablet is synced. By pressing the MAP and/or DATABASE buttons, the app will open the related pages so that you can monitor receptions reports. The app is available on the Google Store here: Thanks to you for putting together such a complete list of apps and to all the people supporting the development of my apps. 72/73, Andrea IU4APC.

↓. Pingback:. Neil New Android apps available on Google Play: An app specifically made for the Elecraft KX3 is KX3Companion, ( There is a free and paid version on Google Play (does not work on Kindle Fire).

The same author has created KX3 KeyApp to give a virtual set of keys for KX3 users. It comes with two predefined templates (CW, and default) with KX3 macros setup for use.

Finally, he created QRSS Beacon – A fully featured QRSS (Slow CW) Beacon on Android. You can select a DIT duration from 1 to 60 seconds and choose one of the 3 supported modes: QRSS, FSK/CW and DFCW. This works on any radio, connect the audio out of your Android device to the audio in of your radio and an enable VOX. Also, HamLog is available on iOS & Android (there’s even a MAC version). ↓. The best Radio app that I know of is the always FREE to download CommCat Mobile.

Radio Scanner Software For Mac

This app works with both the iPhone and the iPad. With CommCat Mobile you can not only control your rig remotely, but you can log contacts and even sync that log with your home log! Not many programs allow that. Also, there’s a complete DX spotting list available so with a single finger click you can tune your remote rig right to the DX and then Key the mic and talk into the iphone / ipad to work the DX! With another single click the entire thing has been loged and sent to your home station! Personally I don’t use SSB modes, but CommCat Mobile has me covered too.

With CCM you can use the ipad/ iphone keyboard to send CW over your remote rig. I use this mode mostly. Combined with the free audio program built in to CCM I don’t even need to be running another app to hear the signals coming back.

Radio Scanner Software For Mac

Trust me, it’s a pretty amazing program, and I haven’t even touched on the other 100 things it can do. ↓. Paul N6EV ‘glSDR’ is an excellent Android ap which allows you to connect to a handful of SDR receiver servers around the world. For each server, the first connection becomes the “master”, able to control the frequency, mode, filter, AGC, dsp, etc. Subsequent connections are “slave” and have no control but get to listen to what the master is doing. When the master drops off, the next slave in line (oldest connection) becomes the new master.

Obtain the ap in Google Play Store. Search for “glSDR”. Current map of available servers: More servers coming on line every week.

↓. PocketSat3 is now available for ‘Droid-ers and the iOS platform! It has been my favorite satellite tracking program for many years – beginning with the Palm(tm) version MANY years ago. I have found no other program that I can run and (1) update Keplerian data with two clicks, and (2) run, choose my satellites of interest, easily select a time period, and get a chronological readout of upcoming pass data.

Also available for Droid is HamSatDroid. Links to these – and also links to free online sat pass data – always at -Clint K6LCS. It is also possible to run some Linux ham/swl apps (probably including FLdigi) in many Android devices. Many Android devices allow running Linux in parallel with Android using Linux Deploy by Meefik or another similar app from Google Play. However if an Android device allows running Linux stand-alone that alternative may be the preferred way to get Linux apps into use (better performance, less bugs and probably no need to root Android).

I can boot alternatively to either Linux or Android on my device. Installing Linux to an external SD-card (without touching Android) was extremely easy using the Berryboot Android app available here:. Unfortunately this solution is currently only available for devices with an A10 processor – other devices may require a substantially more difficult install method. I don’t have much experience running ham/swl apps in my Linux systems. Here is, however, a list of search results I got with the search terms ham, radio: pi@raspberrypi $ apt-cache search ham radio ax25-apps – AX.25 ham radio applications ax25-tools – tools for AX.25 interface configuration ax25-xtools – tools for AX.25 interface configuration — X11-based fldigi – digital modem program for hamradio operators gcb – Utility to calculate long and short path to a location gpredict – Satellite tracking program grig – graphical user interface to the Ham Radio Control Libraries hamexam – Study tool for USA FCC amateur radio (ham) exams.

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