Personal Budget Template Excel Monthly Quintessence Exquisite

Posted in category Do you want to track your income and expenses incurred regularly? The Personal Budget Spreadsheet helps in tracking, managing and calculating your personal income, expenses and savings. The first sheet is Personal Budget sheet that records the income, expenditure and savings details of an individual on monthly basis. This template includes most of the heads of expense.

  1. Personal Budget Template Excel Monthly Quintessence Exquisite Pdf
  2. Personal Budget Template Excel Monthly Quintessence Exquisite 2017

We highly recommend you to keep this sheet updated regularly for a correct insight at all times. The spreadsheet helps you in setting some savings goal as well. The monthly breakage helps you in analyzing the months that you saved more and the ones in which you spent more. You can easily track different kinds of expenses incurred under heads like- home, daily living, transportation, etc. The sheet also gives the Potential To Save value for each month. Using the spreadsheet Begin by downloading the template and recording your income and expenses into the spreadsheet.

The first sheet is Personal Budget sheet that records the details of the entire sources of income and the amount received through each source. The various categories of the income included are:. Salary / Wages. Business.

Pension. Interest / Dividends.

Miscellaneous The sheet has savings goal set for each month that one needs to achieve in order to have a good budgeting. The savings goal can be a single goal or a set of projected goals.

The net value of the savings goal is calculated on a monthly basis and also on a larger annual scale. The monthly analysis helps in getting an idea of the overall savings targets that a person sets and the amount that he/she is able to actually save. It also helps to take better decisions on your savings and expenditures. Home.

Daily Living. Transportation. Entertainment. Health. Holidays. Recreation. Subscriptions.

Personal. Financial Obligations. Miscellaneous Payments The net potential to save amount made by an individual can be calculated by subtracting the sum of Total Savings Goal and Total Expenses from Total Income. The value is calculated both on a monthly and annually basis. The second sheet is Dashboards sheet that shows the summary of the personal budget sheet as four different graphs and charts. The four distributions are:.

Personal Budget Template Excel Monthly Quintessence Exquisite Pdf

Income The Income pie chart shows the percentage share of each kind of income that a personal receives. The chart helps to easily interpret the income head that has the largest share and the one with the least share. Expenses The bar chart representation of the expenses that is plotted on monthly to the amount of expense incurred. Ardour-dev ardour 2.0 for mac pro. The bar of the various categories of the expenses for a month shows the share of each kind of expenditure.

Personal Budget Template Excel Monthly Quintessence Exquisite 2017


The same data is also plotted on a monthly table view of doughnut charts. Annual - Expense and Distribution Pie This pie chart shows the percentage share of annual expenses incurred by the person. You can easily know the category that consumes a major share of your income and the ones that could have been easily avoided. Income - Expense and Savings Chart The line chart depicts the status of the various categories like income, expenses for each month relative to the previous month. The categories that the chart showcase are. Income.

Expenses. Potential to Save. Savings Goal What does the 'Potential to Save' value mean? The Potential to save is the amount of money a person can save in a month from your income.

The value would be achieved if the savings goals have been attained for the expenses that are incurred in a month. What does the Dashboards sheet do? The Dashboards sheet makes the understanding of the budget easier and simple with the help of graphs, charts, etc. The reports give a summary of the personal budget on the basis of Income pie chart, Expenses bar graph, annual expense distribution pie chart and income expense and savings chart. The dashboard provides a summary of the various expenses and savings. It helps to make decisions for improving the savings and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Function used in template. SUM(number1, number2, number3, number4.). Other Personal Budget Planning Resourses. Advanced budgeting and professional advise, try it if you need something more than excel.

You can also get $6.00 discount by clicking on the link. The Budget Planner: Free tool and guide to managing your money. Great budget planning tools for Microsoft® Excel® from 11 ways in which budgeting can impact and significantly improve your life. 7 steps for creating your first simple budget. To build a realistic financial budget, begin by identifying your expenses. Related Content.

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