Docker-compose Run Results In Connection Refused

Docker Preparing to use Docker 1. Download, install and start Docker To download and find out how to install and start it, see. Specify Docker connection settings To be able to use Docker, you need the Docker integration. This plugin is not bundled with IntelliJ IDEA, and should be installed separately, from the JetBrains plugin repository. Open the Settings / Preferences dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+S) and go to the Clouds page ( Build, Execution, Deployment Clouds). Click and select Docker.

Depending on your Docker version and operating system, specify: Docker for Windows:. API URL: tcp://localhost:2375.

Certificates folder: This field must be empty. Docker for macOS or Linux:. API URL: unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Certificates folder: This field must be empty. Docker Toolbox for Windows (deprecated; the defaults provided by IntelliJ IDEA should be OK):.

API URL:. Certificates folder:.docker machine machines default Docker Toolbox for macOS (deprecated):. API URL:. Certificates folder: usually, /.docker/ or its subdirectory. If you are going to use, specify the location of your Docker Compose executable.

The default setting docker-compose is fine if:. The actual name of the executable file is docker-compose. The path to the directory where the file is located is included in the environment variable Path. To specify an actual path to the executable file, click and select the file in the dialog that opens. Click OK in the Settings / Preferences dialog. Example: Deploying a web app into the Wildfly Docker container In this example, we'll use the to create a container and deploy a one-page JSP application into that container.

Docker Compose Run Vs Up

Create a project for developing a Java web application ( File New Project Java Web Application, etc.). When the project is created, add text (e.g. Hello World!) to index.jsp, see e.g. In the project root directory, create a new directory (e.g. Docker-dir): File New Directory, etc. We'll use this directory to store our Dockerfile, a.war application artifact and a container settings file - just to keep all the files for working with Docker in one place. Create a file Dockerfile in the docker-dir directory.

Add the following to your Dockerfile. FROM jboss/wildfly ADD.war /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ Use the actual artifact name in place of. On the following picture, the name of the artifact is HelloDocker.

Docker-compose Run Results In Connection Refused

(This Dockerfile sets jboss/wildfly as the base image and copies the local file.war located in the same directory as the Dockerfile to the container directory /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/.). Create an artifact configuration for your.war:. Open the Project Structure dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S) and select Artifacts. Click, select Web Application: Archive and select For ':war exploded'. Change the artifact name (in the Name field).

The name should be the same as in your Dockerfile ( ) but without.war at the end. Select the docker-dir directory as the artifact output directory (the Output directory field). Click OK in the Project Structure dialog. Create a Docker Deployment run/debug configuration and specify its settings:.

Run Edit Configurations Docker Deployment. Specify the run configuration name, e.g. Select your Docker configuration. Deployment. Select docker-dir/Dockerfile. This means that the application deployment will be controlled by the corresponding Dockerfile. Before launch.


Click, select Build Artifacts, and select your artifact. Select the Container tab. Generate a sample container settings.json file and save it in docker-dir: click, select docker-dir and click OK. The rest of the settings are optional. Click OK in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog. Open container-settings.json in the editor.

Note this fragment. Version: '2' services: web: build:. Ports: - ' links: - db db: image: postgres (This file defines two services: web and db. The container for the web service is built according to the Dockerfile located in the same directory. The container port 8080 is mapped to the host port 18080. The service is linked to a container in the db service. The container for the db service is built using the postgres image.).

Create a Docker Deployment run configuration. In that configuration, specify that the YAML file should be used to deploy your multi-container application. Run Edit Configurations Docker Deployment. Specify the run configuration name, e.g. Select your Docker configuration. Deployment. Select docker-dir/docker-compose.yml.

This means that the application deployment will be controlled by the corresponding Docker Compose YAML file. The rest of the settings are optional. Click OK in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog. Execute the run configuration ( ).

The result in the Docker tool window will finally look something like this.

Run Docker Compose File

I came across the need to do that when I was playing and testing all kind of configuration with and found that if nothing was running inside the container it stopped after a few seconds. Command To accomplish my task, I will use the command option inside my Docker-Compose file. The full line can be seen below: command: ping -t localhost And you can see it inside my docker-compose file And you can see the full code below.

Docker-compose Run Results In Connection Refused


Version: '3.3' services: backend: image: microsoft/nanoserver command: ping -t localhost ports: - '80:80' volumes: - backend-data:c: data volumes: backend-data: About Docker Compose Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file to configure the application’s services. Once the file Is created I can start all the services using a single command.

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