Cs S Surf Just For Mac

To add to that, yes there are viruses on macs, buuuuuut. Compare the number of people who get viruses on their mac to the number of people who get viruses on their Windows (everyone almost). And yes the reason that there aren’t viruses on it is because of the smaller amount of people using MAC computers but isn’t that just another reason to buy one???? It doesn’t matter why they don’t get viruses it just matters that they don’t pretty much get some at all. No one I have seen who has a mac for 10+ years has ever had a virus. Actually, the reason that there are less viruses on Mac is because the Mac OS is much more complicated to program and has much more complex security measures than Windows.

Windows is and always has been easy to hack, so you get more devious nutballs deciding they want to ruin the world with their virus – and with rudimentary programming knowledge, they can do exactly that. I’ve used both Mac and PC since 1990 (and still own and use both mainly because my wife refuses to give up her PC.) I spend all my time repairing and re-tweaking the PC just so it will function normally for basic functions, whereas I use my Mac to do real work – simply because it works every time. Have I had a few issues? Truth be told, since 1990, I’ve had only one Mac issue that I couldn’t fix myself. And it was an issue that I caused myself (actually I worked pretty hard to make it happen just curiosity out of control, really.) Why large corporations still base their operations on the sloppy, bug-ridden, virus-prone Windows system is beyond my comprehension. It’s like leaving your Jaguar parked with the doors open and the keys in the ignition while you pop into the ghetto liquor store for a chocolate Yoo-Hoo and a pack of twinkies. You’re just asking for trouble.

Argue with me all you want, PC lovers. I have used both Mac and PC with an open mind and have tried my best to love Windows in all its bargain-basement quirkiness – but a dog can only get beaten with a newspaper so many times before he runs away. And Windows has beaten me with a newspaper long enough. I’m running home to Mac. LOL, you don’t know what you’re doing then.

Hopefully 3 years has changed that. Again, why do astronomers and NASA use PC if MAC is so grand? Rhetorical so don’t bother. I have not been infected or lost data on a PC in over a decade.

Cs S Surf Just For Mac

I know it happens but, if thats Mac’s only claim, to fame over PC, it’s pretty pathetic. I run my business and my backyard observatory solely on pc and have for a long time (15 years now), trouble-free. Most of the guys in my astronomy/ astrophotography groups who have Mac end up getting PC specifically because they can’t get the hardware or app’s that they need to run their mounts and their astro gear on a Mac. Not to mention being in business and managing everything from payroll, Excel, Quickbooks, estimates, invoicing, spreadsheets and everything all in one place. PC wins, hands down!

This Mac vs PC crap is a joke. Mac is a johnny-come-lately and has not been able to keep up. They have a fast graphics engine and quick boot time.

Technically, you’re wrong. “Virus” isn’t a catchall term for malware. There are viruses, worms, backdoors and Trojans. According to Wikipedia, a virus is “A computer program usually hidden within another seemingly innocuous program that produces copies of itself and inserts them into other programs or files, and that usually performs a malicious action (such as destroying data).”. Technically, Macs don’t get viruses.

It’s possible to get malware, but not specifically viruses. It’s easy enough to scan for malware since, in my experience, it usually resides in the Mail folder.

Actually PCs are not more affordable and powerful. Macs have much more power in pretty much every dept. Even there, it runs the games great but it just does not support as many games as Windows.

So that is why you dual boot with windows. Because honestly the only thing Windows can do that OS X can’t is play all of the PC games. And as for the price, just look at a pc with the same specs as a Mac and they will cost the same. People are just fooled by the lower base price of Windows computers. Not even remotely true.

My Asus RoG was $1500. MacBooks don’t even come in a 17inch screen. I have 3GB of RAM on an NVidia card, which is not a Mac option. To get the i7 quad core at 2.6GHz you have to buy the most expensive MacBook Pro, which STARTS at $1999.

The actual price of a MacBook Pro with comparable hardware is $2599. I think being $1099 cheaper constitutes “more affordable”.

And before you start spouting gamer nonsense, the primary use of my laptop is IT workdatabases, virtual machines, etc. Exidos: You can’t just say that PC is better, you have to explain it. Otherwise you make a fool of yourself. And mac is worth the money because having to buy Microsoft Office every year and paying thousands of dollars to pay for every year, but only paying $200 for your computer, adds up to being more than just paying $1000 for a Mac and getting the equivalent of Microsoft Office for free. Doc Oc: There are viruses for Mac, but there are WAY more for Windows computers. Good attempt for a last minute excuse though. No, it isn’t.

Yosemite never restarts my machine after updating when I have just checked for updates before starting the client project. Windows does. I check for updates, nothing is reported. I start my client project. Capture the video, produce all of the graphics, assemble the project in the video production app.

Hit render, which can last hours, go to bed. Wake up in the morning and there’s the window, “Windows restarted to finish installing updates.” A deal breaker. I have no reason to put false info here. This has happened way too many times for me to stay with just Windows. If it were not so, why would I even say it?

Updates is the reason I left. They should allow the user full control, but they don’t. We all have different experiences which impact our opinions.

All my early hardware failures have been Macs. PCs that cost half as much as the Macs gave me much longer trouble free service that the more expensive Macs. The only OS I had to reinstall was OS X due to OS upgrade breakage, or severe lag issues. Been using Windows since 3.0, never needed to reinstall.

On the boot times you mentioned, I have several Windows 8 tablets / computers that always boot up ready to use in the same time span you stated for the Mac Pro, or less. They are SSD based, and resume in 2 seconds or less.

Are you comparing an SSD based Mac to a spinning drive Windows? I have a 15″ HP DV-6 laptop and a 13″ MacBook Pro, both late 2011 models. I agree on many of your points. I, however, prefer to use my HP over the Mac to get real work done for some particular reasons.

1) My HP has a built-in 10 Key numbers pad on the right side of the keyboard and that is where my hands look for numbers keys. The Mac does not and it takes me forever to enter numbers. 2) I have better luck networking the HP with everything else than I do with the mac, though they are pretty close to the same.

Most networking trouble with the Mac has been getting other machines to be able to access anything on the Mac and then with Time Machine there have been a few frustrations. 3)The GIMP – I am much better with the GIMP than I would be with Photoshop at this point since I havent used Photoshop for years. There is a big plug-ins package available for GIMP on windows that I havent found for MAC or LINUX.

I realize I can find them all one by one but the Windows installer just adds the whole shebang in one swoop so my Windows GIMP ends up being the most tricked out graphics program over the same thing installed on MAC or LINUX. 4) My HP has a faster processor (i7) vs the i5 that came in the MAC. It also has two separate graphics chips, one intel and one radeon, similar to how MACS are set up. It was roughly half the price of the MAC. Mostly I use the MAC for GarageBand and to surf the net or watch movies while I’m lounging around. My last “thing” with Apple would be that I hear they are eliminating their upgradability.

Soldered-in RAM and Non-removable batteries and such. Thats a money play that is not only annoying but downright irresponsible when you consider the extra landfill space that these non-upgradeable machines wiil use. Oh and there is malware that affects MACS, mostly targeting the browsers I think so security is needing to be cross-platform as well.

Stupid is as stupid does and since you believe whatever the news tells you.well that’s kind of stupid. My info came from one of the ifixit or ifixya websites.The statement “I hear they are eliminating upgradeability” is entirely true because that’s what I read. Do you deny that I read this? How would you know? I didn’t say, “they are not upgradeable” just that I heard they are planning to not be. In case you missed it, you just called someone stupid after you demonstrated an inability to read well enough to comprehend simple English.

Have you considered doing standup comedy? You’d be great at it.

That’s about the worst argument I’ve ever heard for not owning a mac “looking like a dumb cultist” (from a cult that doesn’t actually exist except in the pages of PC Magazine.) How about actually spending some time with the elegance of a system that actually works, does processes flawlessly, and protects your data like its an armed fortress? I still use both systems, and I keep an open mind. I have no trouble looking like a dumb cultist, because I am pumping out the work at record pace on my Mac. I don’t have time for the hassles that come with PC ownership. And that peace of mind is worth a whole lot more than a measly $500. Wanting to share my 2Cents on this topic, how do I start? Oh yeah I have been a long term windows user since 3.1.

I liked the machines that windows was running on, I liked how I can play all my favorite games stuff like that, I got a Macintosh 2 back in the ’90’s it was a excellent Home computer but on the present day I have both a custom built PC for my gaming and entertanmint and a iMac 27″ for college my PC I built cost $1,100, my iMac cost $1,240. But what I think that my Mac is easier and simpler for my work, and my PC for my gaming because of PC has way more support for game devolepment, but in smaller forum Mac’s and PC’s are both great systems. I own a 17 in Macbook pro retina and a i also have killer windows seven gaming setup that i built.

Windows allows me to enjoy crysis like i never ever ever could on a mac, but as far as laptops go there is no competition AT ALL Macs are the leaders there. Seriously I’ve owned windows laptops back when i was an apple hater, and MacBooks are soooo much better, i honest feel bad for people with windows laptops (though i haven’t tried windows 8 yet) and i hope all those haters just give apple a chance, because as of right now its much better. Don’t even get me started with the iphone. Yes I totally agree.

Please buy iPhones & iPads & iDontUnderstandTechnology 🙂 Support apple people they are pioneers! They are amazing! Unfortunately recently Apple started building computer systems that look like trashcans (mac mini & mac pro) please don’t mind this, they do it to achieve lower temperatures! Please write more articles like this one. Articles like the above and comments by apple fanboys are for me constant reminders about your uniqueness and how awesome you mac users are! I call them little mac web gems, please give us another one!

Hahahahaha. That’s a really good article. By the way, you don’t need to buy Microsoft Office unless its a necessity. I just use iWork and then convert my documents to Office format when necessary.

Otherwise, I’ll convert a Keynote presentation to a Quicktime movie(which used to be clickable) to preserve all of the cool effects and transitions. Also, you can use Pixelmator instead of Photoshop. The latest version of Pixelmator is a full-featured replacement for Photoshop. It’s a lot easier to use than Photoshop and is a lot more user-friendly. It even has the Liquify tool now, which was the only thing it was missing for a while. A lot of Mac users use it instead of Photoshop because it has the same level of functionality and a much lower price. Apple actually uses it instead of Photoshop now to show how powerful its Mac Pro is.

Also, it costs a whole lot less than Photoshop. It costs $15-30(whether or not its on sale) instead of Photoshop’s $500-600.

A great thing about Macs is the availability of alternatives to expensive programs. Numbers one and two have been rendered mute by ssds, windows loads up virtually instantly and can be put to sleep and resume just by closing the screen. Number three is just absurd. PC is such a massively vague concept; there are manufacturers that develop cheap plastic construction laptop and desktops and there are manufacturers who produce fantastically build and designed parts. Number four is equally absurd.

Cs S Surf Just For Mac Download

Flashing lights? Oh the horror. And again, there are lightless designs out there for pc. Number five is more of a personal question, of what are using the OS for, and what OS were you originally using.

Cs Go For Mac

To osx users windows would seem confusing at first, and to windows users osx seems oversimplified and useless. Number 6 is true regarding the troubleshooting issues, i have to hand it to the apple community there. Numbers 7 is just wrong. Third party software is a problem for mac users, as there are tons of more options out there for free and paid-for software for pc. Developers are more likely to develop programs for the majority of the computer community, which pc still reigns dominant.

Number 8 also isn’t really applicable, as you can just slap on all the amazing third-party free software available online. Number 9 is another question based on personal preference, i feel that the control panel is easier to navigate but the osx option is still rather workable number 10 is just plain wrong. My computers certainly do not boot up with any programs or adware, mac or pc. Number 11 does contain many features that windows do not, but the opposite is also true, with windows having many features that osx lacks. Number 12 is true now, but if apple ever starts to grow in the percentage of computer users, more people will start to write virus for it. There are viruses for mac, and because osx developers are less use to threats; they will be less prepared for attacks. Number 13 is just depressing to hear.

The ‘lameness’ they describe are just new attempt to find a market for new software. Without attempts to find new niches, new software would never be developed. Companies must fail in order to succeed, and this shouldn’t be question. Number 14 im kind of confused about. The command line is windows can be modified to suit all usage with third-party software, and windows runs photoshop seamlessly.

Cs S Surf Just For Mac Pro

And whoever wrote this article needs to stop using the word ‘lame’. Number 15 is true for stock software, but have you ever tried torrenting?

I’ve used mac and pc for years, built with them, fixed them, and dealt with their issues. Really it is based on personal preference whichever os you use, but dont think apple will ever be formally introduced to the business percentage of computers until they significantly lower prices. First, if your know what you’re doing, you will not get viruses on a PC. Secondly, my PC fully boots in or around 7 seconds. File sharing?

Everyone uses cloud drives and social media, no difference in PC and Mac. Fact is that Mac costs soooooo much more. It’s like saying: “hey look at my Porsche, it’s much better than your Suzuki swift that costs 6x less the price.” Taking screenshots?

Your right, built in PC screenshots are a pain, but there are enough 3rd party programs like Lightshot or Imgur that will easily fix this problem. Annoying Pop-ups? If you don’t know how to properly use a pc and install only proper programs, you shouldn’t use a PC, no. Using macs is for overly rich people and people who don’t properly know how to handle a computer. A Mac is very user-friendly (what I don’t like) and easy to handle (which I don’t need).

The difference between the Mac and PC is this new fake FBI ransomware that’s going around the web. When you get your PC locked by ransomware, you can browse many lovely websites that are just so happy to help provided you purchase their malware removal software. Even reputable websites speicifically plug one malware removal service per article on the subject, and of course these services cost money. There’s no way to remove ransomware for free unless you’re being scammed by cryptolocker, and even then it isn’t easy for most people.

It should also be mentioned that GreenDot makes money everytime someone gets scammed by ransomware, so good luck seeing them eradicate the threat by ceasing their service, everyone makes money when thieves push ransomware when it comes to PCs. When you get your Mac blocked by ransomware like a moneypak scam, you just have to reset Safari.

That’s literally it. Oh wait, you’ll have to have all the boxes in the next screen checked before you click reset. Very important step that one, considering they’ll be checked already anyway. So that’s it. No websites plugging their costly services because this is a new way to bilk money out of you. Just reset Safari. Do you understand now why Mac is better?


Seen sites come and go, but not one infection on Mac, unless users do something dumb like type in their password for something they have no idea what they just did. On Windows, you just gotta be more careful. That’s all Apple takes care of us by implementing security, where as users must take care of themselves under Windows. Master that, and both OS’s are the same in security as each other I’m used Windows 7 for years.

No A/V, no malware protection of any kind, and have never got infected If I can do it, so can you. But if your afrraid, get a Mac Of course we know their not that safe, since dumb users still typed their passwords in so 600,000 Macs got infected by the FlashBack Trojan.rolls eyes. Seems whatever you do, they’ll never be sensible users out there. I have been Windows faithful since I first used a Mac Desktop in 2001it was terrible. I found the interface to be difficult to navigate and I did not like the appearance or overall feel of the product itself (what the eff is with the standard keyboards and mice?).However!

I have recently begun an Arts degree and I am definitely noting the extreme positives in owning a Mac Desktop or Laptop, not to mention in most Arts fields they are the industry standard. I STILL don’t like how it’s not as easy to disable Apple programs I won’t use (however I have never had my own and I don’t wish to change too many features on friends or uni ones). I also work in Retail Electronics store, and I get so many parents saying “I need a mac” which I usually end up facepalming as “oh my son/daughter just told me to get it”. Do your research, regardless if it’s the best in the market, it might not be an ideal product for you as a comsumer. Most $300 Windows laptops will serve as a beautiful piece of technology forthe “average consumer” (browsing, documents, maybe storage, etc) So I would like to end this in saying that Windows PC’s are just amazing, if you’re willing to spend money on decent security software and the overall hardware.

BUT a Mac is as equally as amazing, if not better in most hardware/software, and is generally the industry standard. ALTHOUGH, everyone will have a different opinion, because just like phones, you know someone who has had it, who has had a problem or has heard about the evil company being evil 🙂 (Microsoft is just as bad/good as Apple in most ways, don’t get it twisted guys, they are competitors for a reason).

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